Wednesday, July 30, 2008



Diary entree #4

This week we changed topics and are doing a different part of moodle as our investigations.
This new part we are doing deals reflection and rotation. The two investigations I've done this week are the reflection one and the rotation one.

What culutral ties do Maori have with whales?

The Maori have always been in awe of whales. Popping up in lots of their legends, they were considered "the people of the sea". There are also two main myths about them. The first is of a beached whale, the Maori then come to take what they could from it when it turned into the war god Atua and cursed them. The second is of Tinirau and his pet whale. The whale gets killed by a man and he seeks revenge. According to myth, whales are related to the ocean god, Tangaroa. Because of this, they were thought of as supernatural and the Guardians of the ocean, saving sailors from death. Before the Europeans came the Maori never hunted whales , though if they encountered them beached they would claim that its a gift from the gods.

Why is Whaling a Problem?

Whaling is a problem because it's destroying many of the majestic species in our planet. The hunting of whales has led some species to the brink of extinction. Due to the killing of many whale's the rest have now gained protection from the government, but studies of Japanese markets show that some of the legal whale meat is in fact rare blue whale. It is also pointless to hunt whales as there are other products like plastic that replaces the whale bone. For example, whale oil can be replaced with beeswax. Of the once abundant Right-whales 295 remain and of the 5000 Beluga, there are now 500. But prehaps the rarest is the blue whale with fewer than 100 remaining. Humans are also depleting oceans of krill, which are the whales main source of food. If we do not stop this now, will our next genaration live to see whales?

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Diary entree #3

This one lesson we've had so far i did the Angles of a polygon hotpotatos quiz and started the angles with the circle activity.

My Holiday

At the end of Term Two we had a holiday (yay)
For the first couple of day we stayed in Wellington and blobbed out at home. Next we headed to our holiday house in Acacia Bay (Which is inTaupo).We arrived there on Wednesday of the first week and were by ourselves until Saturday. While we waited we went to the hot pools and played heaps of Ping-Pong. Then on Saturday my Auntie arRived from Hawkes Bay without my Uncle, when i asked where he was she say she stayed at their vineyard while a contractor came. It was fun when she was here as we played lots of 500 (a card game). Then, on Monday she left. For another few days we had to entertain ourselves then out friends came on Wednesday. We went skiing!!!!!!!!!!
For two days we were skiing on Whakapapa and Turoa with our friends. Me and my friend were the only ones to ski though, the others went tobogganing. Then on friday they left and we also left to go to my Grand-parents house in Wakatane. On a morning there i found out that my Auntie and Uncle split apart (probably the reason that my uncle didnt come). We drifted back home on Sunday.....

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Diary entree #2

This week I've gotten up to the Exterior angle of a Polygon task.
This task involves making and saving quite a few shapes under the task.
I was told to do only 2 of the shapes but I found that I couldn't do the HotPotatos Quiz without doing many of the shapes it told us to do.
I attempted to do the quiz but found i couldn't (i also didn't have enough time to finish it)
So i went back to the tasks so i could learn more.
I have learnt that the exterior angles of all the shapes i have done equals 360 degrees.

Face from Geometer's Sketchpad

Exterior angle of a Polygon (Pentagon)

Exterior angle of a Polygon (Octogon)

Exterior angle of a Polygon (hexagon)

Exterior angle of a Polygon (Decagon)