Monday, September 15, 2008

Final Olympic Project Reflection

We have finished our presentation to the class in a PowerPoint presentation. We did our presentation to the best of our ability though I think we might have been able to do better. Maybe next time we could choose a different topic or presentation type. Instead most people did a PowerPoint and about half of people did it on Steroids. Next time we should think "outside the square".

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Reflection 2

So far we have reached all our milestones and we believe we're finished. But, we will continue to make it better by adding extra bits to make our presentation perfect. So far we have had no big argumentsabout anything and we seem to be working well together. I have also been using
each member of our group in the areas that they are good at.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Olympic Reflection

I independently set a series of milestones incorporating personal and group goals, and monitor and evaluate the achievement of these. The goal I have set independently is to complete the project with full marks and on time. Our group goal is pretty much the same thing except that we aim to complete our research by Thursday morning and our presentation by Friday 4Th period.
I try and usually succeed at maintaining my quality of work to an excellence standard, I value my work and always seek to improve it in some way. I hope this shows.
I always listen to my groups opinions and participate and respond appropriately.
I understand that I need to contribute to my group and that drawing upon the use of each members expertise is essential, which I do.

Should the 2008 Olympics have been held in China?

I believe that Olympics should have been held in China because politics has no place in sport.
The Olympics were allowed to continue in the 1936 Olympics even with all of the racism against Jews in the Berlin games. Besides, some of the links between things like Dafur and the Olympics are pretty weak. It isn't so much of an honour than it is a burden to the Chinese. 36 BILLION dollars went into the Chinese Olympics, if it was boycotted then would all of that money be a waste? I think so. But the statement I want to make clear is that POLITICS HAVE NO PLACE IN SPORT!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sir Ernest Rutherford

Sir Ernest Rutherford is my role-model because I believe that he contributed the most to the world with his Orbital theory of the atom. He did this by using the gold foil experiment. This earned him the Nobel Chemistry award for 1908. I hope to be as successful as him in my life by contributing lots to the world.

Sir Ernest Rutherford

Success Quote

Abraham Lincoln:
"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing."

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Stage 3 Reflection

I copied and pasted my Geometers Sketchpad design into Macromedia FreeHand. I then started to erase parts of the overall design that were not mine. Once i had my part of the design cut out i had a discussion with my group and figured that the joining part between our two assigned shapes would be too hard. So we deleted it. We now should all have our pieces into freehand.

Stage 3