Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Diary Entry of Geometry Unit so far

So far this geometry unit we have been going onto Moodle and completing the tasks that are posted there. We are using Geometer's Sketchpad to complete these tasks. After I have completed the task there is a Hot Potato's Quiz corosponding to the task.
The tasks I have done so far are:
Adjacent Angles <-Done HP Quiz
Angle Sum of a Triangle investigation <-Done HP Quiz
Angles are Parallel Lines <-Done HP Quiz
Exterior angle of a Triangle <-Done HP quiz
Interior/Exterior Angles of a Quadrilateral <-Need to do HP Quiz
I find these tasks very informative and the Hot Potato's Quizes challenging, I like to have a challenge like the quizes are giving me. I sometimes find the quizes hard but i get around the problems in the end. I have learnt a lot about angles of shapes. Such as the interior angles of a triangle equals 180 degrees. Also I know that the angles on a line always equal 180 degrees as well.

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